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Teterboro Airport Photos
(Various sources)

Source: China Doll web-site

Source: Port Authority web-site

Photo source: The Record [Record Editorial]

The sign on the bottom picture is located at the end
of taxiway, and is there for pilots who are just about to take-off from runway 1. The top
picture shows what the pilot is looking at just before the take off. How would you like to
be a patient in this hospital? Thanks Mike, Roselle NJ.Source:

Source: Barry Bichler

Source: Geoffrey Koot

View from Terrace & Passaic (Hasbrouck Heights) during Spring 2000.
Note that the east-west runway has not been active for decades.
Graphic maps from 12/9/99 air
disaster are provided for reference.
Regular air traffic patterns [Record]
Newspaper Location Maps [Record] [Star Ledger]
Wrong Path Graphic [Star Ledger]