Also invited to the reception were family members, teachers, and Principals from each students high school. The on airport ceremony, held at the Dassault Hangar, was a first for the airport, and gave airport sponsors an opportunity to meet scholarship recipients and congratulate them personally. Recognizing the importance of advanced education in order to achieve excellence in the aviation industry, Teterboro Airport Users established a scholarship program in 1985. Through 2005, 99 scholarships totaling approximately $65,000 had been awarded. This years fifteen recipients each received $1,250, which is a record for a one-year grant, and brings the total awarded during the funds twenty-year history to nearly $84,000. Funding for the scholarships is derived primarily from airport sponsors and proceeds from the airports annual golf outing. The Airport's Golf Outing for the 2007
Scholarship program will be held at Sky View Golf Club in Sparta, NJ on Tuesday, September
12th. Organizations interested in sponsoring scholarship programs or activities should
contact the Teterboro Airport Golf Scholarship Committee by calling Lauren Rhoden at
201-288-1775. Photo provided by Golf Scholarship Committee. ### © All rights reserved.